Regulatory, Compliance and Complaints

Regulatory, Compliance & Complaints


Co-Counsel is a business name of Co-Counsel Limited, a company registered in England and Wales Company No. 08638557.

A list of directors is open for inspection at the registered office located at Kings House, 174 Hammersmith Road, Work.Life, London, W6 7JP.

We use the word “Partner” to refer to a shareholder or director of the company, or an employee or consultant who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications.

Co-Counsel Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority whose regulations can be found at

Solicitors Regulation Authority number: 599212. Vat Registration No: GB 172949177.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Co-Counsel carries the following professional indemnity insurance:

Provider: Endurance Worldwide Ltd (Sompo International)
Policy number: B0808P3A79323
Cover: Claims of up to £3 million for any one claim.

Complaints Procedure

We are committed to high quality legal advice and client care. Please click here to see a copy of our Complaints Procedure.

With effect from the 1st April 2023 the Legal Ombudsman has made changes to their existing scheme rules. For more information relating to the change of time limits and other changes, please see the

Employment Tribunal Costs

In line with our regulatory obligations we provide details of the potential costs if a client instructs Co-Counsel in relation to an Employment Tribunal matter. Please click here to see details.

Immigration Advice Costs

In line with our regulatory obligations, we provide details of the potential costs if a client instructs Co-Counsel in relation to an immigration matter. Please click here to see details.

Privacy Policy

Please click here to see details.

Diversity data

We are proud of our diversity and inclusion both within the firm and our involvement with partners that seek to increase diversity and inclusion within the wider community. To see a summary of the firm’s diversity data please click here.